litany against fear

coding with spice ¤ by nick quaranto

Open Source Collaboration with Git and GitHub

published 05 Dec 2008

I just gave a talk at the Society of Software EngineersTech Talk Thursdays about Git and GitHub. The talk was a mashup of Scott Chacon’s various resources on Git along with Michael Hartl’s presentation on contributing to Insoshi with GitHub. I think it went pretty well and it was followed by some good discussion.

The talk is an introduction to Git from the perspective of a student who has used version control before (and hopefully has learned a bit of graph theory). I went over the little history that Git has, why Git rocks, and how helpful and easy it is to use GitHub. Check out the slides: (yes, there’s puppies)

It was definitely a lot of fun. (I almost wish someone was taking notes!) Someone was taking a video, so hopefully it’ll be up soon. Next time I give the talk I want to show how easy it is to convert from svn/cvs as well as create and browse repositories since I got a lot of suprised looks about git init and git instaweb during Q&A.

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